New Yorker App Mac
- The app pulls stories from a wide variety of sources, from traditional news outfits, and newspapers, to entertainment magazines, websites, and new media sources. Download Microsoft News: Android, iOS.
- The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products and services that are purchased through links on our site as part of our affiliate partnerships with retailers.
Last fall, we told you that The New Yorker artist Bob Staake does his cover illustration using Adobe Photoshop 3.0—yes, a version from 1995. Now comes the tale of another New Yorker cover artist.
iNews Review
This Week's iPhone, iPod, and Apple TV News
Compiled by Charles Moore and edited by Dan Knight - 2009.05.29
We don't usually highlight off-the-wall apps, but we just have tobring Frog Guitar to your attention. This bizarre,hilarious, and entertaining musical app lets you play a virtual guitarthat uses frogs instead of strings - you can even stretch them toadjust pitch. I don't know if you'll find it worth 99¢, but you'llprobably get a kick out of the YouTube video.
Mac notebook and other portable computing is coveredin The 'Book Review, and general Macnews is in Mac News Review.
All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
Apps & Services
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News, Reviews, & Opinion
New Yorker Cover Painted with aniPhone
The New YorkerBlog says:
'Jorge Colombo drew this week's cover using Brushes, an application for the iPhone, while standingfor an hour outside Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Times Square....
'There's a companion application, Brushes Viewer, that makes a videorecapitulating each step of how Colombo composed the picture....'
Link: Cover Story: Finger Painting
The iPhone New Yorker Cover
BusinessWeek'sArik Hesseldahl says:
'To the list of cool things you can do with an iPhone, you can nowadd 'illustrate the cover of a magazine.'
'The artist Jorge Colombo used the iPhone app Brushes to create the illustration that graces the coverof this week's New Yorker. Colombo will continue to offerdrawings made on his iPhone that will be featured on the magazine's Website.'
Link: The iPhone New Yorker Cover
Faster Next Gen CPU Expected in New iPhone
'The next revision of the iPhone should be characterized by adramatic increase in processing power, an alleged scoop byveteran technology writer John Gruber says. He refers to 'informed'sources who say the iPhone will jump from its existing 412 MHz clockspeed to 600 MHz....'
Gruber expects 'roughly double' the performance due to the new CPUand perhaps twice as much RAM.
Link: New iPhone Said Getting 'Next-gen' CPU
iPhone Price Cut to $99 Coming?
The Street'sScott Moritz suggests that Apple may cut the price of the 8 GBiPhone to $99, according to a growing consensus among analysts.
Link: iPhone Price Cut to $99? - Rumor
AT&T Lobbies for Palm Prē
The Register'sAustin Modine reports that AT&T chief Randall Stephenson is warningthat US wireless networks aren't ready for a deluge of 3G traffic,while noting he'd like his company to start selling the 3G PalmPrē once Sprint's exclusive contract runs out.
Link: AT&T, Not Ready for 3G, Lobbies for 3G Palm Prē
Top 10 Must-Have Free iPhone Apps
Even Primakos says:
'I love my iPhone 3G. It's fun, it's useful, and it continuallyamazes me that Apple was able to enter a market it previously had zerorole in and instantly cause the rest of the industry to start playingcatch-up. Anyone who who has one will tell you that the absolute bestpart about it is the variety of applications, or 'apps', that areavailable for it, both free and paid. Having used it for several monthsnow, I've compiled a top ten list of free iPhone Apps that every singleuser should have. I attempted to organize them in order, but they'reall great in their own regard....'
Link: Top Ten Must-Have Free iPhone Apps
10 Smartest and 10 Stupidest iPhone Apps
The Register'sRik Myslewski says:
'The soon-to-be-released iPhone 3.0 software will offer a slew ofnew capabilities to iPhone developers. With that sea change in mind, wethought now would be a good time to take a look at the highs and lowsof the current crop of apps for the iPhone and iPod touch.
'Not merely the best and worst, but rather two Reg-ratified Top Tenlists: the 10 smartest and 10 stupidest apps that the iTunes App Storehas to offer.'
Link: iPhone Apps - The 10 Smartest and the 10 Stupidest
Columbia Professor Warns of EMF Health Hazards NewsStaff reports that a Columbia University professor of Physiology andCellular Biophysics is sounding a warning to the public about negativehealth effects of man-made electromagnetic fields, such as the onesthat emit from cellphones and power lines.
Dr. Martin Blank, who delivered an address in Toronto in Wednesdayon behalf of the BioInitiative Working Group, is cited as stating:'When you get an electromagnetic field that's coming out of a powerline, or it's coming out of a cellphone antenna or a cellphone tower,it's going to do things to the molecules in our body,' and that mayinclude nasties like brain tumours, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, andbreast cancer. Dr. Blank is quoted saying that EMF safety research hasbeen too narrowly focused on thermal effects and not enough on EMFinduced biochemical changes, which he says occur long before there aremeasurable temperature changes.
Link: Professor Warns of Cellphone Health Hazards
New Pioneer A/V Receivers Integrate with iPhone,iPod
PR: Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. has announced that it isnow shipping A/V Receivers that seamlessly integrate Apple'srevolutionary iPhone and iPod into a customer's home theater. Pioneer'sVSX-819AH, VSX-919AH and VSX-1019AH A/V Receivers and also feature proprietary technologiesdesigned to restore compressed audio data and recreate the dynamiclistening experiences intended by the original musician.
'With our new line of A/V Receivers that seamlesslyintegrate with Apple's iPhone and iPod, we now offer a completesolution for improved portable audio playback in the home theaterrealm,' said David Bales, marketing manager of audio products for thehome entertainment division of Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. 'WithPioneer's rich heritage in A/V receiver design and innovation, we arethrilled to give our customers the ability to make iPhone and iPod partof their home theater system.'
Pioneer A/V Receivers are part of the 'Works with iPhone' and 'Madefor iPod' program and feature a seamless user experience for iPhone andiPod owners. The new line of receivers allow consumers to simply plugtheir iPhone or iPod to the A/V Receiver and utilize a full-colorgraphic user interface (GUI) complete with album art, utilize a centralremote control option to easily navigate through playlists. The A/VReceivers will intuitively turn on the Auto Music-Mute function when acall is received on an iPhone, allowing home audiences to maintain anuninterrupted entertainment experience.
By utilizing two proprietary digital audio enhancement functions -Advanced Sound Retriever (ASR) and Auto Level Control (ALC) - thePioneer A/V Receivers deliver a high quality listening experiencespecially designed for portable audio device home integration.Pioneer's ASR was designed for use with highly-compressed music filesto ensure a more dynamic audio experience when played through homeaudio speakers. Meanwhile, Pioneer's ALC technology equalizes thefluctuating volume levels that can occur with digital audio tracks andother input sources resulting in a richer user experience thatalleviates the need to manually adjust the volume.
Pioneer's A/V Receivers are available now at Best Buy and other national and regional retailersnationwide for suggested retail prices that range from $299 - $499.
Pioneer's Home Entertainment and Business Solutions Group developshigh definition home theater equipment for discerning entertainmententhusiasts. Its Blu-ray Disc players, A/V receivers and loudspeakersbring a new level of emotion to the HD experience. The company brandsinclude Pioneer and Elite®. When purchased from an authorizedretailer, consumers receive a limited warranty for one year withPioneer products and two years with Pioneer Elite products.
These receivers can be ordered from, Best Buy, and othersources.
- VSX-819AH, currently $286.53 with free Super Saver shipping,$299.99 plus shipping from Best Buy
- VSX-919AH, currently $399.99 with free shipping at,not yet listed on the Best Buy website
- VSX-1019AH, currently $449 + shipping or $472.58 with free SuperSaver shipping at,$509.99 plus shipping from Best Buy
Apps & Services
Brushes Viewer (Free Viewer forApp Used to Create the New Yorker Cover)
PR: Brushes Viewer is a free application for Mac OS X thatallows you to replay your Brushes paintings stroke for stroke, exportthem at very high resolutions (up to 1920 x 2880), and even export themas QuickTime movies. Download it to take full advantage of Brushes.
Jorge Colombo drew this week's The New YorkerMagazine's cover using Brushes for the iPhone, while standing foran hour outside Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Times Square
Advanced Color Picker
Selectvirtually any color (with transparency) using the familiarhue/saturation color wheel. Quickly choose black or white via thepreset swatches. Fill the entire painting with any color (use asemitransparent color to tint your painting).
Realistic Brushes
Flick between three different brushes ranging in style from smoothto bristly. Choose any brush size from 1 to 64 pixels in diameter.
Balanced Painting Tools
Brushes records your brush strokes allowing you to replay them athigh resolutions on a Mac. Brushes also provides a generous undo stack,allowing you to undo (and redo) a large number of brush strokes. Don'tworry about making a mistake!
Extreme Zooming
Zoom in and out by pinching. Brushes allows you to zoom from 70% to800%. Drag with two fingers to pan when zoomed in.
Eyedropper Tool
Pick up colors from the painting using the eyedropper. Theeyedropper is accessible from the toolbar or by tapping and holding onthe painting.
Browse your paintings in the Gallery. Tap a thumbnail to open apainting, or hit the add button to create a new one. You can alsoimport a photo from your photo albums.
Viewing Mode
When you're not editing a painting, you can flick between them, runa slideshow, duplicate a painting, add a painting to your photos, ordelete a painting.
Built-in Web Server
Download your paintings directly from your iPhone or iPod touchusing Brushes' built-in web server.
System Requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger) or higher
- Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) recommended
- Link: Brushes Viewer forMac OS X
- Link: Brushes App (availablethrough the iPhone App Store)
BabyPhone Deluxe Turns iPhone into a BabyMonitor
PR: In the origin this application was built for the iPhoneand sold since mid of March 2009 over the iTunes App Store from AppleInc.
Roeland Hofkens, the founder of Bluefields, and his wife had theidea of building a baby monitor application for the iPhone, whiletraveling with their 1.5 year old daughter. Both baby monitoringdevices they had with them did not work. The walkie-talkie device didnot reach the distance it promised, and the DECT phone with a babymonitor function did not to connect to the phone system of the hotel.BabyPhone Deluxe can be used worldwide wherever there is a mobilenetwork connection and regardless the distance.
BabyPhone Deluxe works like a standard baby monitor - just switch onthe application and place your iPhone a distance of 2 to 3 meters toyour sleeping baby. The mobile will call the configurable phone numberwhen a sound exceeds an adjustable level. So it is possible to heareverything that is going on in the child's room.
A lot of value is put on an intuitive user interface and an accurateoperability. For example, it still works properly if there is a call,SMS, or calendar event coming in. The iPhone will fall into a batterysaving mode after 3 minutes, so that a new battery lasts at least for10 hours. It is possible to configure a call delay. This means theapplication will call the configured phone number only if the soundlevel exceeds the threshold for 1, 2, 3, or 4 seconds. This prevents'false positives': you won't be called when the baby coughs or turnsaround, only when it really needs you.
On top there is a BabyRecorder that records the sounds of your babyduring the night, switching on and off automatically. These recordingscan be used for the family records or even to show the doctor how hardand often the baby coughed in the night.
New features on the Android platform will be:
- Two-Way-Communication: possibility also to talk to the baby overthe loudspeaker of the T-Mobile G1. So the parents can calm the childuntil they are back.
- Call-In-Function: starting the call from the configured phonenumber and listen actively into the baby's room.
- Blocking of incoming calls: as the iPhone has to be put on silent,so that the child does not get awake if there is a incoming call, thesecalls will be automatically blocked.
BabyPhone Deluxe is available on the iTunes App Store from AppleInc. for $4.99.
Link: BabyPhone Deluxe(available through the iPhone App Store)
Short Hand: Faster Typing on Your iPhone
PR: LizzardWerks has released 'short hand' 1.0, an iPhone appthat helps write quicker emails, tweets, notes, and more using typingshortcuts. Tap a few letters to automatically insert a whole phrase -or even multiple paragraphs. It makes writing commonly used phrasesmuch faster and easier on the iPhone's small keyboard. Users can createtheir own typing shortcuts, or modify or delete the built-in ones.Great for BlackBerry switchers, because it's similar to theBlackBerry's AutoType feature.
With the typing shortcuts in 'short hand', a new iPhone and iPodtouch app released today by LizzardWerks, users can write wholesentences or paragraphs by tapping just a few letters. For example,typing 'wn' could automatically insert 'hey, what are you up totonight?' Or typing 'adr' could insert a person's entire 3-line mailingaddress. The options are limitless, and users can rapidly combine theircustomized shortcuts to make complete messages. Users can add, edit,and delete an unlimited number of custom typing shortcuts.
Quickly type up a message, then send it to Mail, Twitterrific,Tweetie, Appigo Notebook, or Appigo Todo. Once Apple ships the newiPhone OS 3.0 this summer, short hand users will be able to write textquickly and send it to any application through automatic copyand paste.
Great for people who miss AutoType on the BlackBerry, AutoText inMicrosoft Word, or typing macros in many programs. Short hand can alsosave drafts to finish later, and it automatically saves sent messages.You can use sent messages as templates for sending new, similarmessages - another time saver.
Key features:
- Create, modify, or delete an unlimited number of shortcuts
- Use shortcuts to insert frequently used words, phrases, or evenmultiple paragraphs
- Shortcuts can insert multiple lines, including line breaks
- Type using the vertical, portrait keyboard or the horizontal,landscape keyboard, which has larger keys that make typing easier andfaster
System Requirements: iPhone or iPod Touch 2.1 or later
short hand 1.0 for iPhone is 99¢ and available exclusivelythrough Apple's App Store.
Link: ShortHand (available through the iPhone App Store)
Free OS X 10.5 and iPhone Apps for SendPhotosPhoto Sharing Service
PR: Avanquest Software has released as a free iPhoneapplication its Avanquest SendPhotos photo sharing service. The serviceleverages the convergence of mobile phone, desktop and Web 2.0technologies to enable friends and family to instantly and securelyshare and exchange favorite photos and digital images free over the Webfrom their computer or mobile device virtually anytime or anywhere.
The iPhone application's built-in photo editor allows color andcontrast adjustments to images and provides the ability to annotate,crop, and 'smudge' out parts of a photo. Other features include supportfor WiFi as well as a cellular connectivity, allowing mobilesubscribers to avoid costly data charges. It is easy to set up anaccount within the iPhone application so that users can begin sharingphotos immediately.
Further expanding the robust community of users for the interactivephoto sharing service, the company also unveiled today the SendPhotosiPhoto Plugin for the Mac Photo Gallery application, which gives usersof the popular iLife '09 iPhoto Macintosh application a simple one-stepmethod for publishing of photos to the SendPhotos service.
The free Macintosh application can be downloaded at users can access the mobile application either via iTunes or theiPhone App Store.
'Giving Macintosh and iPhone users access to our powerfulapplication with its mobile and desktop client and many unique sharingfeatures brings us closer to our goal of making universal photo sharinga reality for SendPhotos users,' said David Wright, president,Avanquest Product Design Group. 'The iPhone now is one of more than 150popular mobile devices from leading manufacturers for which we enableinstantaneous uploading of photos with 'set it and forget it'simplicity.'
SendPhotos users enjoy 1 GB of free online storage space forarchiving approximately 2,000 photos online (based on average photosize of 0.5 MB). Users also have the ability to invite friends andfamily to 'share-back' their images, providing the opportunity tocreate a comprehensive photo document of a social event, such as awedding or birthday party. The SendPhotos account owner simply providespermission to the 'guest' and they upload images to complement a photoalbum.
The Avanquest SendPhotos Web site provides a personal and privateonline cache for uploading, archiving, synchronization and sharing ofdigital images. The site allows access only touser-authorized family, friends and associates without third-partypublicity or search engine pickup and dissemination across theInternet. A simple drag-and-drop, animated and extremely fluidinterface facilitates the easy transfer of stored photos to a varietyof external photo sharing and social networking sites, includingPicasa, MySpace and many others.
Currently available in Beta, Avanquest SendPhotos is available inEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian and German editions and provides theability to embed a photo 'album' created in SendPhotos to a website orblog by using Avanquest PhotoFlow feature. See a PhotoFlow example byclicking here.
System Requirements: Avanquest's SendPhotos iPhoto Pluginapplication requires iLife '09 (compatible with iLife '08), OS X 10.5or later.
Link: SendPhotosfor Mac and PC (mobile version available through the iPhone App Store)
FotoMagico Remote for iPhone/iPod touch
PR: Boinx Software announces the availability of FotoMagicoRemote to control a live FotoMagico 3 slideshow with iPhone or iPodtouch. To help presenters with their live narration, FotoMagico Remotealso includes a teleprompter that displays a thumbnail and the speakernotes for the currently displayed slide. FotoMagico Remote can bepurchased exclusively at the iTunes App Store for $19.95.
'Using the FotoMagico Remote on stage gives you unprecedentedcontrol and makes you look cool,' says Oliver Breidenbach, CEO of BoinxSoftware. 'Adding this to your iPhone or iPhone touch comes muchcheaper than buying one of the less stylish and less useful hardwareremote control devices on the market.'
Presenting The Professional Way
A full screen presentation with FotoMagico 3 can now be remotelycontrolled with the 'FotoMagico Remote' application on iPhone or iPodtouch. FotoMagico Remote provides playback remote control and ateleprompter right in your palm. You can read your notes and get avisual feedback of the duration of the current slide on the screen,giving your whole live presentation a highly professional touch.
With FotoMagico Remote you are free to walk around the stage infront of your audience while narrating your slideshow. FotoMagicoRemote on your iPhone or iPod touch is the perfect addition toFotoMagico 3 Pro!
Secure Remote Control:
Remote controlling a live presentation with your iPhone or iPodtouch can be protected with a four digit PIN code. Setting the PIN codemakes sure nobody else can interfere with the presentation.
System Requirements:
FotoMagico Remote runs on any iPhone an iPod touch with iPhone OS2.2.1 or later. FotoMagico Remote requires FotoMagico 3.0 (or later)running Mac OS Leopard (or later) and an available local WiFi networkfor the communication between the Mac and the iPhone or iPod touch.
FotoMagico Remote for iPhone and iPod touch is available exclusivelyat the iTunes App Store for $19.95.
Link: FotoMagico Remote (availablethrough the iPhone App Store)
Celebrity for iPhone: Want to Be a TabloidStar?
PR: Have you ever wanted to be a tabloid star?
With Celebrity, Visuamobile's new iPhone app, you can put your ownpicture on fake magazine covers.
Just take a picture of yourself or your friends, choose a magazinecover, and make it to the front page.
Celebrity main features :
- 20 realistic covers with various themes
- Covers are visible while taking the picture
- Built-in email sharing
- Image adjustments : crop, scale, flip
- Realistic vintage effect on covers
- CoverFlow like navigation
- Use of the personal photo library
The Celebrity app is released in two versions :
- Lite version: free, includes 4 covers
- Premium version: includes 20 covers ($2.99)
Premium version on sale at 99¢ for 5 days
Link: Celebrity foriPhone (available through the iPhone App Store)
Deep Green and Deep Green Lite Chess for iPhoneand iPod touch
PR: UKbased Cocoa Stuff announces Deep Green 1.1, an update to their wildlypopular chess game for iPhone and iPod touch. Developed from the groundup to leverage the iPhone's unique capabilities and interface, DeepGreen continues to combine great complexity and functionality into asimple, yet compelling and intuitive user interface. Version 1.1 sportsnew notifications at check, checkmate and stalemate, as well as newcallouts, sound, vibration, and animations and more.
Cocoa Stuff announces Deep Green 1.1, an update to their wildlypopular chess game for iPhone and iPod touch. Specifically developedfrom the ground up to leverage the iPhone's unique capabilities andinterface, Deep Green continues to combine great complexity andfunctionality into a simple, yet compelling and intuitive userinterface.
Perfect for casual game play, Deep Green offers incredible looks,polish and ease of use, featuring realistic sounds that make the gamingexperience fun and compelling. It includes built-in help, with sectionsfor new features, reference, and frequently asked questions. There isalso a shortcut for sending email to support for learning more aboutchess rules. These features, except for built-in help and support, canbe turned on and off in the new Application Settings.
With Deep Green, opponents can move pieces either by drag-and-dropor by tapping a piece, then tapping the square they wish to move it to.The tapped piece will jiggle, dutifully awaiting for the user to tapthe destination square. The game supports auto-rotation, ensuring theuser always plays from the bottom and up, and the board is rotatedcorrectly for the in-turn player when competing on the device with afriend.
Feature Highlights:
- Play against Engine or Human, or Engine versus Engine
- Adjustable Engine strength
- Concentration setting allowing the Engine to play more like aHuman
- Manual board setup
- Game playback - First/previous/next/last position, auto-playback,drag slider
- Replay of last move
- Move suggestion animated on board
- Take back - Undo, all the way back to start
- Free choice between tap/tap and drag/drop moving (no need to setpreference)
- Display of Captured Pieces
- Smooth animations everywhere
- Game and state saved between program sessions
- Built-in Help
- Rich, analog-type sounds, optional
- Callout notification for Check, Stalemate, and Checkmate
- Vibration on Check, Stalemate and Checkmate, optional
- Board Coordinates
- Board Auto-Rotation
With Version 1.1, Deep Green Lite makes its first appearance. DeepGreen Lite is a free version with all the functionality of its bigbrother, with exception to game saving. Each time Deep Green Lite islaunched it starts over with a new game. Deep Green 1.1 sports newnotifications at check, checkmate and stalemate, as well as newcallouts, sound, vibration, and animations.
Deep Green was first released on the Newton platform in 1998, andwas a huge success. Only ten days after it was released, Applediscontinued the Newton project. 'The overall goal of Deep Green is tokeep it simple, beautiful, and elegant' said Joachim Bondo, presidentand founder of Cocoa Stuff. 'Deep Green 1.1 offers a slew of newfeatures, at the cost of only one extra button added to a secondaryview. This is a product of very high quality with a long and excitingroadmap ahead.'
System Requirements:
- iPhone or iPod touch 2.1 or later
- 4.3 MB
Sound is only available on first generation iPod touch when usingheadset or external speakers. The device must be unmuted. Vibrationmust be enabled on the iPhone for the currently active Silent/Ringstate. Vibration is not available on iPod touch.
Deep Green 1.1 for iPhone is $7.99 and available exclusively throughApple's App Store. All future upgrades are free to existing customers.Deep Green Lite 1.1 debuts and is free.
New Yorker App For Macbook
Link: Deep Green (availablethrough the iPhone App Store)
ToneTune Virtual Tuning Fork
PR: Stanton Studio, LLC has announced the release of ToneTune1.0, available on the iPhone App Store. ToneTune is a multiple tuningfork that helps you tune the strings on your stringed instrument to thecorrect pitch by ear without searching through hard-to-find books orthe web. TuneTone has many more tunings for instruments than thecompetition, and a more intuitive interface.
Simply select your instrument and tuning, and tap the graphic to getthe right pitch for each string. It can even play all the notes insequence, as many times as you like.
There is a short how-to video there, as well as a feature list,screen shots and an instrument list. There is a Spanish version ofToneTune and the web site too.
Version 1.1 is currently In Review, as is a new free version, calledToneTuneLT (with a reduced number of tunings and note range).
Link: ToneTune(available through the iPhone App Store)
New Yorker App Mac
Frog Guitar: Make Beautiful Music onYour iPhone
PR: A new company, Smort Inc. has released its firstapplication for the iPhone, Frog Guitar.
Getting a little tired of all of those tree-hugging musical apps forthe iPhone like Pocket Guitar and Ocarina. Plus, who isn't tired ofTap-Tap-Tapping? Come on! It was time for someone to step up and createsomething truly awesome - so Smort Inc. built a guitar out ofFrogs.
It's very simple to use:
- pluck, strike, or strum the frogs
- stretch the frogs with the rope and pegs to change pitch
- ignore the flies - they are just for decorations - and be carefulhow you treat those frogs or things might get messy
You can actually play chords and stuff with multitouch although thefingerings are inverted from a standard bass guitar. My homemade videoshows you a basic song.
Check out Frog Guitar on YouTube.
Frog Guitar is available now in the App Store for 99¢.
Link: FrogGuitar (available through the iPhone App Store)
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