1873 Springfield Trapdoor Rifle Serial Numbers
Springfield Armory Design 1873 Trapdoor Gun in.45-70 good quality from 1883. The still left, rear aspect of the barrel has the serif V view evidence stamp. P proof stamp, indicating proof firing with a specific 80 materials cartridge of. Design 1879 Rifle Sight, also identified as the Buckhorn Back Sight.
1873 Springfield Trapdoor Carbine Serial Numbers
1873 Trapdoor Springfield
I have an 1873 springfield.45-70 trapdoor 28 inch barrel rifle with the serial number 491977. Wishing to get when this was made and and where it was made.thank you!this gun mentioned has been been in my family many,many years and want to find out the history and where I can learn how to seek out info on my own if interested in another gun that I may want to but in the future.thank you! U.S./Springfield Armory Model 1873 Trapdoor' Carbine (single-shot/ breech-loading/ black powder/ cartridge ammunition) During the Civil War, General George A. Cavalry, armed with Spencer repeating carbines, in many charges against Confederate forces. After the war, however, the Army selected new guns. The US Model 1873 rifle was the first Springfield rifle made with steel barrels. Springfield Armory NHS, US NPS. M1873 and M1877 Rifles SPAR1364 M1873 and M1877 Rifles.45 caliber. These were the first 'Trapdoor' designs chambered for a.45-70 caliber cartridge. Rifle Models 1873 to 1888 Krag U.S. Rifles and Carbines Models 1892 to 1899 M1903 Rifle: Rock Island Arsenal M1903 & M1903A1.